Stonebridge Spotlight: Nick Hoffman

Nick Hoffman plays at the Grand Ole Opry with his band called “The Farm”

Nick Hoffman The Farm Inc. Nashville USA

Three musicians and a songwriting friend were toying with a fiddle riff, just to see where it might lead. It became the hook for a song, and once they launched into the “Home Sweet Home” chorus, the three voices fell into place with an unexpected, other-worldly sound.  Instant harmony. Almost-instant band.

THE FARM is in many ways a hybrid act – a trio deeply rooted in Country Music, that folds in sonic elements from a variety of popular-music genres – but the core is built around a solid, identifiable vocal harmony.

Interlocking voices have been an important thread in country’s history, from the Sons of the Pioneers through Alabama through Restless Heart through Lady Antebellum. THE FARM – Nick Hoffman, Damien Horne and Krista Marie – puts its own distinct spin on the sound, a tightly woven mesh that relies on the synthesis of three musicians who found their way to Nashville from different parts of the U.S. with different sets of musical influences. THE FARM’s unified blend is an aural representation of the melting-pot mentality at the heart of America.

“There are a lot of bands out there that you could take a member out and not know the difference,” Nick, the fiddle-playing singer, notes. “This is not one of those bands.”

“It’s really three elements that you bring together,” Krista adds. “Like earth, wind, fire – and there we are.”